Explore New Depths

Relational Depth Therapy

Nancy Ulmer, LCSW

Nancy Ulmer, LCSW

I am a psychotherapist, a consultant to other therapists, and have been a professor of psychology.

My work is grounded in depth psychotherapy, neuroscience, and a firm belief that people can change. Clinical wisdom, years of experience, and current neuroscience all show that an authentic, healing relationship is integral to positive therapeutic change. I practice psychotherapy from this informed relational perspective. I place great value on my relationship with my clients and I am particularly interested in issues of attachment.

The foundation of my work is psychodynamic, however I develop integrated treatment plans for each new client, drawing on other models and new research. I have found this approach works well with those new to psychotherapy and especially well for people who have had prior therapy experience but want to explore new depths, make bigger changes and/or who feel stuck or unfinished in their personal work.

I thoroughly love what I do. Private practice allows me to engage in deep therapeutic work with people seeking change. This work is enhanced by my active involvement in ongoing study and consultation. Teaching gives me the opportunity to connect with peers at every level and keeps my perspective fresh.

Since the beginning of my training I have been treating and studying behavioral and substance addictions. Tracking and teaching the unfolding developments in neuroscience led me to study and be certified in clinical hypnosis and EMDR (a specific trauma resolution therapy), and most recently to intensive study of both attachment and dissociation. In addition to my psychotherapy practice with individuals and couples, I also provide clinical consultation to other therapists, teach at the Wright Institute, and provide clinical supervision at several local agencies.

That moment when someone becomes aware of a breakthrough still fills me with awe, and I am grateful that my work lets me be a part of that experience with others. If you are ready to explore new depths to find the change you are seeking, I would be very happy to talk with you. Please contact me here.